1981 Donruss Top Whatever...

A few weeks ago, I debut the "Top Whatever" countdown. Where I would rank what I had of a given set, housed in my three ring binders. The number of cards in each countdown would depend on however many I kept in my collection. My first countdown was the Top 115 1981 Fleer cards . Those cards came from a sealed Wax Box I bought online in June, 2011. The same day I purchased the box of 1981 Fleer, I also purchased a box of 1981 Donruss. Which means the second edition of the Top Whatever Countdown will cover that box of 1981 Donruss. I plan on continuing the Top Whatever Countdown in future posts, highlight personal favorite and/or notable sets in my collection. But back to 1981 Donruss for today... I broke both of those boxes on the afternoon they arrived in the mail. Previous to those boxes, I owned very little from either of the 1981 Fleer and Donruss sets. I bought them specifically because 1981 was a baseball year not very well covered in my collection. Both F...