A Jacked-Up Retail Hit!!!

This juiced addition to my collection came via a Target Blaster of Topps Fire. I seem to be doing pretty well with retail this year, and this Canseco is more than welcome to join in... While I've never been a Canseco fan, he's a notorious figure whose name will forever be a significant part of baseball history. I was at the Metrodome in the late 1980's, when a large percentage of Twins fans were chanting "Steroids" during his at-bats. And yes, I sometimes partook in the heckling... But Jose came clean after retiring, which is kind of admirable in a way. From interviews I've read, he's fairly humble on the subject, and has a good sense of humor about what he did. While not a hero, an autograph from one of my most hated players in the early days of collecting seems like something I need to have... Plus, it's a parallel, numbered 23/50. So that's extra cool! And here's a photo from an abandoned Chinese buffet in Lakewood, C...