242 & 65 - Northgate Mall! Perkins! Taco John's! KFC!

That's a really cool marquee! As the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area has grown in the past 40 or so years, expansion to the second and third ring of suburbs boomed. Meaning that useful stuff built in the 1970's and 1980's were now becoming obsolete after the turn of the century. And they must be removed for something that will be of more use to the city's current needs. In this case, that would be removing these buildings completely to expand the capacity of this busy intersection. Highway 242 (I refuse to address this road as County Road 14!) crossing Highway 65 was one of the deadliest intersections in the state of Minnesota, for many years. The amount of daily traffic passing through this intersection in all four directions, was far too great for traditional stoplights to safely handle. Creating a bridge with entrance and exit ramps would drastically reduce the chance of dying on your way to this particular Cub Foods. However, doing so would ...