Gavin Lux... Fairfield Re-Packs... 2020... Whatever...

I started sorting my 2020 cards early this year. Since I haven't been able to supplement my collection via retail packs, this year has seen most acquisitions come from a Hobby Shop. (A 1988 Donruss set was NOT among them. This box is just the temporary home of my near-complete 2020 Stadium Club set.) Which isn't bad at all, don't get me wrong. I'd much rather my collecting dollar go there than to any Targets or Walmarts. However, I simply miss being able to grab some jumbo packs with my bread, socks and cat food. Speaking of food... The sun has gone down on Famous BBQ in Coon Rapids. Giving this place it's proper write-up will take longer than I'd like. My history there is more as a bystander, than customer. Some of that story is done right now, but a lot of it isn't. Either way, it will take more time to get talking about Abandoned BBQ ready. It’ll happen soon enough, so don't get your brow all furrowed! Now enter this story… 2020 has been a mess for ...