AEW vs WWE Cards... Boyoyoing! Ya Wanna Wrestle?

Pro-Wrasslin has long been my go-to for "shut your brain off and stare at it" entertainment. Traditionally, there's usually a few good things mixed in with a whole bunch of bad. Which could range from poorly executed ideas, to just plain poor ideas. Yes, I'm well aware that it's pre-determined, just like all of "reality" television is. I know the fights aren't real, and a lot of the time, it's all just stupid. But I still follow along to varying degrees, depending if there's anything that holds my interest. The last few years, that interest has been at an all time low. So I figured it may be a good time to look at some of the current crop of pro-wrasslin cards? After all, that market seems to really taking off over the last couple of years. That tagline comes courtesy of my friend, Scott, some 35 or so years ago. I don't even remember the story behind it, or the context in which the in-joke was born. Only that he wrote it down on his 10t...