Gates Rubber Company - Demolition Diary part 8

As exciting as a post all about the safe operation for Ring Cure Vulcanizers would probably be, I'm not writing about that today. I am writing about Gates. Because it's time, once again, to break open the Gates Demolition Diary. Today, that would be Part 8. January 19, 2014. An odd morning where I conducted a photo tour WITHOUT having worked a 13 hour overnight shift before driving around Denver, with a camera. On this morning, I left home too early in the morning to have enough daylight to take quality pictures from a moving car. Unless I was able to slow way down, to focus my cheap digital camera. I'd get better ones... Pictures and cameras... Even slowing down my pass through the construction access road in front of the future Sprouts store, it was too dark for the picture I wanted. Photoshopitizing helps... Kinda like semi-polishing a turd... Stopping at a red light also helps, allowing this photo of Kaufman's Tall & Big Shop to not end up all that blurry. Kauf...