Going Up 10! - Frazee, MN

"Frazee, Minnesota, home of the World's Largest Turkey!" I saw that billing when I was planning My Stupid Vacation to Fargo, ND , and knew that we had to stop and see it. In the fall of 2023, I was planning a drive from our home in the Minneapolis suburbs, to Fargo, ND. With a base established in Hawley, MN . The purpose of this drive was to photograph as much of it as possible, recreating childhood vacations with the family. I wanted to see what the drive looked like 40 years later, for a series of stories here.. With stops at locations with personal relevance and various tourist traps along the way. World's Largest Turkey? Yeah I've got to see this... Approaching Frazee from the south, on Highway 10. On the right is the old Highway 10, used before the freeway was built to bypass the town of Frazee completely. Up in this part of Minnesota, my family had no connections to Frazee, so we almost never took the highway detour to drove through town. I would have taken ...