Dinner Break! The Draft - Southwest Plaza, Littleton, CO

Suburban Sports Bars are a dime a dozen these days. They are located in nearly every city, nearby to shopping and retail, hoping to sponge peripheral business from traditional attractions. Which makes perfect sense. Wherever a lot of people are shopping, they're likely going to want to eat. And while they eat, they're going to want to watch TV! Televised sporting events being the most appealing viewing option to the masses, and biggest draws for bars...

Which brings to mind today's Dinner Break! 

The Draft Sports Grill in Littleton Colorado!

Tucked far in the back northwest corner of the Southwest Plaza parking lot! Far away from all visibility off the two busy cross streets. 

You cant see The Draft from behind Dillards and the Food Court and... That... Other store...

Actually in recent years, Southwest Plaza has seen a decent resurgence. With it's logical and condensed layout, Southwest Plaza enjoys a very respectable roster of tenants, with few vacancies. 

(The former Steve and Berry's was converted to DICK's soon after this 2016 photo was taken. But I guess that is mentioned on the directory, so nevermind!)

Apparently not enough of Southwest Plaza's success rubbed off on The Draft these days...

Even in the most unfortunate circumstances a small business owner faces, it's nice to read a personal note from the owner. This letter gives the property more soul than if it was just a hand-written sheet of paper reading: "CLOSED". 

(These photos were taken on February 19, 2017.)

Recent issues of Westword, Mile High Sports and Elevation Outdoors sit unread in the foyer.

The host area, just inside the front entrance.

East side of the draft... Front entrance at the left. Outdoor smoking area to the right of that. The row of windows opens to the bar, with kitchen behind, in the walled off area.

The smoking area... I debated long and hard about stealing one of those ash trays... 

I was still smoking back then, so I lit a cigarette and sat down on the table. The idea of doing this seemed like a statement I needed to make. Which wasn't exactly to re-open The Draft...

I'd have been fine if they would have just turned on the TV for me...

It's a Qua'sar!

Different angle look at the front host area. Dated, but nice interior...

Another view of the Smoking area, with Dillard's lurking behind...

Looking in at the bar. I'm assuming pool tables and dart boards were located here a few weeks ago...

The bar windows and kitchen entrance. 

Which was unlocked... And oh so tempting... 

But I don't need today to become anything more than your basic interesting...

The dumpster area... The cleaning crews must have been of the variety to make everything a giant mess before cleaning it up. The property was pretty gross for a recently closed restaurant...

Brilliant -yet unintentional- collage of abandoned restaurant swag... 

Garnished with a side of Florida Oranges!

That Texam Hold-Up table aint never hurt nobody!

More garbage spilling out of an outdoor storage...

Northeast corner of The Draft...

Behind The Draft...

Northwest corner of The Draft. The windows would have been where the restaurant side seating was.

Pretty cool sign...

Southwest Corner of The Draft... 

This gaggle of geese were blocking my access to the restaurant windows...

So I guess I wont go up that little walkway...

Get a quick shot through the south facing windows and that'll be good enough... 

All of the tables, chairs and booths have been cleared from The Draft anyway...

Okay Geese! I'm leaving!

Stop! Look geese... I get it!

At the end of my photos, just as I was getting ready to leave, Mall Security pulled up in his mini-van. Friendly enough guy and had no problem with my explanation that I'm a photographer that takes pictures of vacant buildings. I'm guess I was reported during my smoking area cigarette...

Or the geese called and reported me...

The Draft... Five Months Later...

I asked him what he knew of the place. He said they had good food and had been open for a long time, and had just closed a few weeks ago. The building was currently being cleaned. 

I shmoozed Mr. Security with more talk of the area businesses, and said that I had just come back from photographing the destruction of Fun City. (Story to come...) We talked about that for a little while, before he went on his way. 

My hopes were to distract him from the further questioning of why exactly I was here. He gave me a little warning about trespassing before he drove off... 

No need sir... I'm armed with only a camera.. No spraypaint...

Though if I was, I'd only tag the Decepticon logo as my trademark. So one will ever find me!

Guess I shouldn't have said all this just now...



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