A Black Friday Trip to Kmart, Lake Street, Minneapolis

My trek to the Lake Street Kmart in Minneapolis, wasn't on Black Friday. Actually about two weeks before. In their latest round of announcing store closures, the parent company of Sears and Kmart stated that 2 of the last remaining 3 Kmart’s in Minnesota will close before the end of this year. Stores in International Falls and St. Paul will shut their doors permanently by X-Mess 2019. The last remaining store, on Lake Street in Minneapolis, will stay open. For now… The Kmart in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, that I visited a couple of months back, is counted among the stores that will close. Glad I made that effort while I was there… However, I didn’t buy this great black cat Halloween decoration that was on display. I bought three cans of Rock Star, just because I wanted a receipt from Kmart. At the time, I thought it may be the last one I would enter. You're welcome. I wish I could have taken this sign off the window. It would look gre...