Dinner Break! - Burger Time - Coon Rapids, MN

Burger Time is a small Fargo, ND, based fast food burger chain, that started their first restaurant in 1987. After initial success, they expanded by as many as 15 stores, in Minnesota and South Dakota. (Not sure, but I think there may have been one in Iowa for a time.) For whatever unknown reason, Coon Rapids, MN, was chosen as one of their first expansion sites. They would build a new restaurant on the northeast corner of the Family Center Mall property. Back in the late 1980's, that area garnered a great deal of traffic, as it was the heart of Coon Rapids retail. While the Family Center Mall had seen it's better days, the Target and surrounding businesses across Coon Rapids Blvd. remained very strong. Not to mention the population of the town had blown up with the northern expansion into the Oaks of Shenandoah. BOOOOOOOO!!! Family Center Mall, from the southeast corner of the parking lot. What used to be Burger Time, can be seen on the right side. Only chopping the mall in p...